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September 2, 2012
Superman Man of steel by ~CyrilT
Featured by Lyricanna
Suggested by 3wyl
CyrilT's avatar

Superman Man of steel



In the pantheon of superheroes, Superman is the most recognized and revered character of all time, but in my opinion is too perfect, he haven't a dark side (like batman) ... So I wanted to creat a darker vision a nervous character, a restive superman.
I tried to bring this vision in my stuff and make a image with an impressive superman who become dangerous and uncontrollable.I think that the DC Universe Online cinematic trailer made by blur influenced me.
I hope that the next Superman "Superman man of steel " directed by Zack Snyder will be more darker, with a character more ambiguous.
I hope you'll like it
updated : you can see a larger version and some close up on my blog here :

Image size
1231x600px 266.48 KB
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